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[sep 16, 2020] 영어공부 #4



We have about one hour before the cement hardens.

This is how you can clean hardened paintbrushes.


She turned white.

His face hardened. (문어체)

His face went from a smile to a frown. *인상쓰다


My body is pretty stiff.

I froze when I had to make a speech in front of one thousand people.


My spanish is rusty. *녹슨 - 주어는 사람x /능력

My spanish is not as good. *예전만 못하다

I'm getting dumber.


He was determined not to let the disease hold her back.

Both sides share a strong will to work together.

If you want that position, you have to be persistent. Don't give up.

The police officer was polite but firm on not letting anybody through.

*굳은 의지, 단호한 태도


#정치,외교에 관한 표현 - 남북관계, 북한

Any form of reunification that puts the four superpowers- the U.S., Japan, China, and 

Russia - at odds would be unthinkable. *의견 차이가 있다/ 갈등이 있다

의견이 대립을 보이는 상황

The two were at odds over what was the truth.

내용이 서로 충돌하는 상황

Her description was at odds with what's in the book.


I think North Korea has a paranoia[패러노이아] *피해망상 issue.

a. paranoid 피해자라고 지나치게 생각하거나, 불필요한 공포를 가진 - 사람

It seems to be in constant fear that the U.S. will invade them at any time.

불필요한 두려움이나 공포

He defined the anti-communism as paranoia.


I think we are better off now *지금이 낫다 than if we were to be live with North Koreans as

citizens of a unified country.

~인 상황이 더 낫다, 드깅 된다

You are better off (being같은거 쓸필요 x) without him.


China announced that it woud be repatriate[리페트리에이ㅌ] all 20 North

Korean defectors*탈북자 who were arrested last month.

re 다시/ patriot 국가 (pat - father/popo 어원 같음) = 송환하다

돈은 본국으로 보내다

Due to the pademic, companies are expected to repatriate overseas asset.


I think the government should help them assimilate into our society, and the 

defectors themselves also have to do their best to integrate into our society.

적응하며 살다, 동화되다

He almost perfectly assimilated into Americal society.


The primary role of helping these defectors become full-fledged memners *완전한 구성원

of society should by played by the government.

정식 멤버 - 모임, 단체

At the age of 25, she became the youngest full-fledged member of the club.



North Korean defectors would understandably feel alienated, 

living in a society where they hasve almost no one to turn to.

의지할 사람이 아무도 없는 사회에서 살아가는 탈북자들이 소외감을 느끼는 것은 이해할 만해.

*alienate 소외시키다 alienation 소외

소속감을 못 느낌

He felt alienated from the others in the club.


Tensions are escalating again on the Korean peninsula following North Korea's nuclear test.

북한이 핵실험을 한 이래로 한반도에 긴장이 고조되고 있어.


Her fear escalated.

~로 악화 (~이 되었다)

Their argument escalated into violence. 말다툼이 악화되어 폭력 사태로 번졌다.


It's just the smae kind of rhetoric we've heard over the last 50 years.

I don't think anything serious will really happen. *수사학, 똑같은 얘기, 레토릭, 뻔한 말

근사한 말

What he said during the campaign was just political rhetoric.


It's all bark and no bite. 말만 요란할 뿐이지 실제 행동은 없어. (위협은 안됨)

You shouldn't take what it says at face value.

북한이 하는 말을 액면 그대로 받아들이면 안 돼.

실제로 위협이 되지는 않는다.

His bark is bitter than the bite.


We should consiger persuading the U.S. into deploying nuclear weapons in South Korea

again to deter North Korea's nuclear threats.

북한 핵 위협을 억지하기 위해 미국을 설득해서 한반도에 핵을 재배치하는 문제를 고려해야 해.

저지하다, 단념시키다

Death penalty doesn't deter crime.

사형이 범죄를 억제하지는 않는다.


South Korea's nuclear armament can be used as a bargaining chip to put

pressure on China to join in global sanctions on North Korea.

한국의 핵무장은 중국이 전세계적인 북한 제재에 동참하도록 압력을 가하는 협상 카드로 쓰일 수 있어.

협상을 위한 수단

Hostages can't be bargaining chips.

인질이 협상을 위한 수단이 되어서는 안된다.


North Korea's nuclear armament is the result of a wrong policy by the 

conservative government which chose containment over engagement. *봉쇄/ 포용

북한의 핵무장은 포용이 아니라 봉쇄를 선택한 보수 정권의 잘못된 정책의 결과야.

Authorities are trying to contain the epidemic.

질병이 퍼지는 것을 봉쇄하려고 당국이 노력을 하고 있다.


The only way to prevent North Korea's development of nuclear weapons is to further cut off

the regime and endlessly seek to topple Kim Jong-un's government. 

*top에서 밑으로 끌어내리는느낌

북한의 핵개발을 저지할 수 있는 유일한 방법은 북한을 더 고립시키고 

김정은 정권을 전복시킬 방법을 끝없이 찾는 것 뿐이야.

넘어뜨리다/ 넘어지다

The pile of bricks toppled over.  무너지다


Actually, since there was never a peach treaty,

we're still technically at war with North Korea.

평화 협정이 없었기 때문에 따지자면 우리는 아직 북한과 전쟁을 하고 있는 상태야.

원칙대로 따지자면

What you did is technically illegal.

기교적으로(예술)/ 기술적으로

The piece sounds simple but technically very difficult.

쉬워보이는 곡이지만 실제로 기교적으로는 까다롭다, 어렵다.





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