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[sep 17, 2020] 영어공부 #5



Summary There are two very common New Year’s resolutions for Korean adults: study English and exercise regularly.

If you are watching this video, maybe one of the two resolutions is being put into action. But do you also exercise regularly?

We all know that the key to a healthy life is pretty simple: exercise regularly, have a well-balanced diet and reduce stress, etc. Exercise is a vital precondition to a healthy lifestyle. The thing is it’s hard to execute the idea. Medical experts say working out regularly goes beyond living a health-conscious life. They say it’s an investment. The hours you put into exercising now will give you a handsome return in the future. Exercising will prevent various kinds of diseases later in life. You will live longer, work longer, and earn money over a longer period of time. In this sense, exercise helps you financially. At least, it has great value for money. There is even a book titled “Your muscles are stronger than your pension.” But just like everything else, knowing is one thing and doing is another. If you’re not so determined that your resolution won’t last more than three days, here’s a doctor’s advice: don’t make workout plans but just start moving your body right now. If you are watching this video and you are moving your body, you’re one of the only few Koreans who execute the two most common new year’s resolutions. Congratulations.


Keywords / Key Sentences

1. 해야 한다는 부담은 큰 데 안 하는 일 중 하나가 운동이다.

Exercising is one of the things that we feel obligated to do but is hard to (be) put into action. Working out is easier said than done. Everyone has a desire to exercise, but many lack the motivation to execute their plan.


2. 운동은 투자다. 돈이 들지도 않으면서 병원비를 줄여 주고, 오래 살고 오래 일하고 결국 오래 돈을 벌 수 있게 해 준다.

Working out regularly is an investment. It’s not costly but helps you reduce your medical bills and makes you live longer, work longer, and earn money over a longer period of time.

You get out what you put in with exercise. You don't have to spend a lot of money, and it will increase your lifespan, help you professionally and increase your earning potential over time. Exercise has a great ROI. The longer you stay healthy and working, the less expensive life will be. *Return On Investment


3. 운동은 근육을 강화시켜 주고, 심장·혈관을 건강하게 해 주며, 면역력을 높여준다.

또, 긍정적인 심리상태를 갖게 해 주고 치매 예방에도 도움을 준다.

Regular exercise improves muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and your immune system. It also promotes positive psychological changes and prevents Alzheimer’s disease. Working out increases muscle mass(*Density and size of muscle), heart and lung functions, and the ability to fight off disease. Exercise also can help you think clearly and prevent degenerative brain disease. (ex. 알츠하이버, 파킨슨,etc) Being in great physical shape (*Doesn't mean what you look like/ It's the ability of your heart and lung to work together to perform athletic abilities) can greatly decrease your chances of developing disease later on in life. Exercise has great positive effects for your mind and also staves off serious brain diseases. *prevent sth to happen/ not letting it happen 


4. 건강은 건강할 때 지켜야 한다. 잃고 나면 회복이 쉽지 않다.

Once you become seriously ill, it’s hard to recover. You need to protect your health while you are healthy. Health and fitness need to be your priority to remain healthy. It will be beneficial in the case if you ever become very sick. The more unhealthy your lifestyle is, the more difficult it will be to get healthy again. It is not only important to be healthy but also to maintain it.

*vs healthful - 문법적으로 맞긴 맞음, 근데 너무 오래된 단어. 잘 사용안함 (특히 U.S.) 예~전에는 healthy가 문법적으로 맞지않는 거였는데 지금은 다들 많이 사용해서 문법적으로 맞음. =healthful 말고 healthy를 사용하자.

*Unhealthy / healthy relationship 으로도 많이 사용함.

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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