-귀찮게 하다: 짜증, 성가심
Stop bothering me with those questions.
Are you here just to annoy me?
Is there any way to stop these irritating calls and texts? *v+ing=a
-귀찮은 일
Taking out garbage is such a hassle.[해슬] *n.쓸데없는 일/ 노력
Why are you always hassling me?
-귀찮은 존재
That guy is such a pain in the neck. *neck 대신 ass 쓰면 informal/구어적
-귀찮게 하다 *informal
Why are you on my case? *n. 경우/사안
Get off my case. 내 일에 간섭 말아라
-귀찮게 하지 말라
Stop bothering me.
Leave me alone.
Cut it out. *informal 집어치워/그만해
Knock it off. *informal
#여성 김대리의 영어일기
The hot summer is over now, and autumn is on its way.
How many more of my friends will get married this fall?
One of my friends got[갓] married recently, and when I wanted to be nice to her and said,
"You must be living in bliss now," *be on cloud nine, walking on air, be content (항상 v로씀)
she just replied,"It's so-so."
Based on what I hear from married people around me, I think that
the first year of marriage isn't all that it's cracked up to be. *예상과 다를 때
=isn't what I thought it would be = isn't all that I dreamed
On the contrary, there are couples who say they came to understand each other better
after having constant fights throughout the first year of marriage. *newly weds, honeymoon phase.
There are others who say they are so happy during the first year, but a couple of years later,
it looks like their love has faded. *the fire of love has cooled down, love has died down.
Some people fall in love like crazy *fall for each other, passionate about each other,
have a burning love, head over heels in love
and get married but eventually get divorced. Looking at these examples,
conflict (*fight, argument, misunderstanding, disagreement) between a husband and wife
is just a matter of timing.*time/when/where
*It's just husband and wife thing. 부부간의 일이다. (알려고 하지마라)
There aren't any marriages that are problem-free.
What really matters is knowing how to resolve such problems wisely.
#여러 증상을 말했다
요즘 소화가 안 돼서 속이 부글거려.
I'm having indigestion these days. My stomach is making noises.
=These days my stomach is upset because of indigestion.
넌 분식을 좀 줄여야 할 것 같아.
You should cut down on eating fast food.
=You should start eating less cheap unhealthy food.
운동하다가 허리를 삐끗했는데, 이거 오래가려나 봐.
I pulled my back while exercising. I'm wondering if it'll last[ㅐ] long.
=While I was exercising, I hurt my back. I hope I can get over it soon.
그러게 스트레칭을 충분히 했어야지.
That's whay you should have done some stretching to warm up.
=You should have stretched before you started exercising.
*waist허리 둘레를 의미, 허리를 삐끗했다고 할 때의 척추 아래쪽 '허리'는 lower back이라고 해야 맞음.
눈이 너무 건조해.
My eyes are really dry these days.
=My eyes are a little dry.
안구건조증인가보다. 인공 눈물을 넣어 봐.
Maybe you have chronic[크로닉] dry eyes. Try some eye drops.
=Maybe you have dry eyes syndrome. Just use some eye drops.
앉았다 일어날 때 무릎이 시큰거려. *sharp pain
My knee hurts whenever I sit down and stand up.
=My knee is really sore whenever I get up.
너도 이제 늙나 보다.
You're growing old now. Deal with it.
=You're just getting old.
*통증 표현 sore이 가장 널리 사용, My knee is aching/ My knee's really bothering me도 가능.
요즘 자다가 가위에 눌릴 때가 있어. *의식은 깨어 있지만 몸은 움직이지 못하는 상태
These days I feel paralyzed when I dream.
=These days I've been experiencing sleep paralysis.[퍼렐러시스]
한동안 괜찮다더니, 요즘 스트레스 받는 일 있어?
You said that you were doing fine. Is there something that's stressing you out these days?
=You said that everything's fine. Is there something that's giving you a lot of stress these days?
안 하던 등산을 했더니 완전히 다리가 풀렸어.
I hadn't gone mountain climbing for a while, and now my legs feel like jell-O[젤로].
*흐물흐물한 젤리형 과자
=It's been so long since I went mountain climbing, and now my legs feel like rubber.
나도 마찬가지야. 그래도 사장님이 가신다는데 안 갈 수 없잖아.
Yeah, same here. Since the boss is going, there's no way we can get out of it.
=I'm in the same boat. We had to go since our boss asked us.
전에는 안 그랬는데 찬물을 마시면 이가 시려.
I never had problems before, but my teeth are now really sensitive to cold water.
=Whenever I drink cold water, my teeth hurt. I never had a problem before.
잇몸 질환이 있나 봐. 치과에 가봐.
Maybe there's a problem with your gums. Try seeing a dentist.
=You might have a problem with your gums. You should go see the dentist.
*problem은 몸에 문제가 생겼을 때, 사회적인 문제는 issue
며칠째 피곤한데 잠을 못 자. 불면증인가봐.
I've been exhausted for days, but I haven't been able to get any sleep.
Maybe I have insomnia.
=I've been so tired these past couple of days, but I can't seem to get a wink of sleep.
I think I might have insomnia.
약은 도움이 안 되니까 먹지 말고, 무엇보다 마음을 편히 가져야 해.
Meds won't help, so don't take them. More than anything, you need to have peace of mind.
=Taking medicine doesn't work. More than anything, you need to have inner peace.
어, 너 머리가 왜 그래. 원형탈모 아니야?
Hey, what's with your hair? Are you losing your hair?
=Ah, why is your hair like that? Is it hair loss?
회사 스트레스 때문에 그래. 약까지 바르고 있어. *put on an ointment.
It's all because of the stress from work. I'm using a topical*국소의 cream.
=The stress from work is ripping the hair out of my head. I'm taking something for it.
*원형탈모 alopecia areata - 일상에서 쓰는 사람ㄴㄴ 거의 그냥 lose hair 이라고 표현.
다리에 종기가 생겼어.
I've developed a boil on my leg.
=I have a boil forming on my leg.
면역력이 갑자기 떨어졌나 보다.
It looks like your immune system's a bit weak.
=It looks likt you immune system can't keep up with you.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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