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[sep 13, 2020] 영어공부 #1

#김대리의 영어일기 9월 10일

Working overtime has become a habit these days.

First, I started working overtime to make up for the work I didn't finish during the summer vacation, but now it has become routine(형,명가능/여기서는 형/a 붙여서 명사로 써도 됨). *backlogged work

We don't get overtime pay, but the company buys dinner for people working overtime, so maybe that's one of the reasons I can't stop working late.

I don't want to have dinner alone at home, so I've started thinking / it would be better to stay late,/ have dinner / and then go home.

But this habit makes me slack(느슨한느낌) off (goof off : 농땡이 부리는 모양-구어적 표현)during the day. I tend to think, "I'm going to work overtime again today anyway, so I might as well(차라리~하는게 낫다/ may well은 다른 뜻임) take it easy."

I don't think this will turn out to be a good habit.

I should working hard during the day and finishing early in order to have some personal time(private은 좀 더 사적인 느낌/ 여기서는 그냥 개인시간으로 쓰임) at home.

Working overtime seems to be addictive, too. Starting next week, I'm going to make a habit of not staying late at the office.



#About sloar energy (issues in Korea, September 2020)

After record-breaking heavy rainfalls this summer, several pictures of landslides hit the front pages of Korean newspapers. There were images of broken solar panels and fallen trees scattered all around. The pictures were used as fuel for the skeptics of solar energy. They argue that solar energy is not feasible in Korea. But there was a counterargument that the landslide damaged only 0.1 percent of Korea’s total solar panel facilities. They criticize the skeptics of renewable energy for intentionally exaggerating the downsides of solar energy. The debate about the pros and cons of solar energy has intensified recently as the current administration pushes to phase[페이즈] out nuclear power. Those who support solar energy say that we should urgently transfer to renewable energy to deal with the climate crisis. They also say solar power is going to become more economical[에코노미컬] as the unit cost for electricity will eventually go down as technology evolves. Opponents say solar energy is neither[나이덜/니덜] economical nor pro-environmental. As we’ve seen in this summer’s floods, damaged solar panels can hurt the natural environment. Also, disposal of used panels creates a lot of toxic waste. Depending on renewable energy will run up electricity bills, they also say. Heavy rainfalls in the summer are inevitable, so we are likely to see landslide cases almost every year. But people don’t want to see the unproductive political argument about the pros and cons of solar energy. What the Korean public wants is the truth of the matter: the truth about the safety and the economics of solar energy.


Keywords / Key Sentences

1. 태양광은 경제적이지도 친환경적이지도 않다. 한국은 산지가 많고 햇빛도 풍부한 편이 못 되어 태양광 발전에 적합하지 않다. Solar energy is neither economical nor the most pro-environmental. Korea is mountainous and is not fit for installing solar panels. The amount of sunshine is not sufficient, either.

Geographically, Korea is not the best place for solar farms. The latitude is too high, there are too many mountains, and the weather is not conducive to extracting a lot of power from the sun. Korea’s location, rough terrain[터레인], and unpredictable weather put the country at a disadvantage when using solar power.


2. 태양광 패널 생산과 폐기 시에 유해 물질이 유발되고, 패널을 설치하려면 자연환경이 훼손될 수밖에 없다. 태양광은 그다지 친환경적이지 않다. Production and disposal of solar panels create a lot of toxic waste. Installing solar panels destroys the natural environment of the site. Solar energy is not the most environmentally friendly energy source.

Making and getting rid of solar panels pollutes the environment with heavy metals[메들스]. Also, clearing plants, trees, and animals to make a solar farm has negative effects on the environment. These factors make solar panels less green. Old solar panels create toxic chemical contamination in the soil and eventually the water. Disrupting natural habitats of wildlife, flora and fauna goes against the idea of being eco[이코]-friendly. This ranks solar panels lower on the scale of green technologies.


3. 기후 변화에 대처하기 위해 전세계가 신재생에너지로 전환하고 있다. 거스를 수 없는 대세다. The world is shifting to renewable energy to deal with climate change. It’s an irreversible trend globally.

There is no stopping the alternative energy train due to climate change.*train-popular trend/movement/industry-keeps growing    *alternative <-> mainstream energy

The move to clean energy is inevitable. The creation of new green energy sources is market driven. Because of eco-awareness, the demand is higher than ever, which indicates renewable energy is not going away (anytime soon).


4. 기술개발로 태양광의 발전 단가가 낮아질 것이다. 태양광 산업이 부흥하면 많은 일자리가 생기고 주요 수출 산업으로 부각되면서 국가 경제에도 기여하게 된다. The unit cost of solar energy will decrease as technology evolves. Also, the emerging solar energy industry will create many new jobs and become one of Korea’s key exports. It contributes to the national economy.

To diversify exports, Korea needs to stay focused on producing solar panels. As time goes on, the price will drop, and it will put Korea in a strategic position to export high quality panels at a competitive price to bring money into the country. As time goes on, the technology becomes more affordable to manufacture solar panels. An increased demand will provide jobs and attract foreign investment which will boost the Korean economy. It is a win-win for Korea.






#병원에 가야한다고 말했다.


특진비 부담도 만만치 않네.

The service charge for the special treatment isn't affordable.

=There's no way I can afford the special treatment fee.

별 차이도 없는데 왜 비싼지 모르겠어.

There doesn't seem to be anything special about it, but it sure is expensive.

=There doesn't seem to be much of a difference, so I don't understand why it's so expensive.



예약하고 몇 달을 기다려야 될 지경이야.

Even after making an appointment, I'll be on the waiting list for months.

=I made the appointment, but I'm stuck on the waiting list for months.

기다려서라도 유명한 의사한테 진료받는 게 낫잖아. *reputable

Even though you have to wait, isn't it worth it to see a well-known doctor?

=Even though you have to wait, it's better to see a well-known doctor. 



주말에 갑자기 식중독에 걸려서 응급실 신세를 졌어.

Last weekend, I had to go to the emergency room for food poisoning.

=On the weekend I suddenly had food poisoning, so I was forced to go to the emergency room.

주말에도 문 여는 병원에 많으면 좋을텐데 응급실까지 가야 되니.

People wouldn't have to go to the emergency room if more hospitals were open on the weekend.

= If they would open more hospitals on the weekend, you wouldn't have to go to the emergency room.



병원 갔더니 엑스레이 찍어 보고 피 검사도 해 보자고 하더라.

I went to the hospital, and they told me to get an X-ray and blood test.

=I was told to get an X-ray and a blood test when I went to see the doctor.

하자는 건 다 해 봐.

Just do whatever they tell you to do.

=You should get everything(O) checked out.(O.C)



치과에서 엑스레이를 찍었더니 잇몸이 내려앉았대. 치석 때문에 그렇다나 봐.

I got an X-ray at the dentist, and they told me I had gum(잇몸) disease. 

There's a lot of tartar on my teeth.

=They X-ray at the dentist showed I had gum disease. It's because of the tartar(치석) on my teeth.

스케일링을 해야겠구나.

You nee to do some scaling on your teeth.

=I recommend doing some scaling.


#건강에 신경 써야 한다고 말했다


한약 먹고 있는 중이라 돼지고기랑 닭고기는 못 먹어. 슬도 안되고.

I'm taking Korean medicine right now, so I have to saty away from pork and chicken. 

I shouldn't drink too.

=I'm in the middle of taking Korean medicine, so I can't eat any pork or chicken.

Alcohol's off the menu too.

어휴, 답답해서 어떻게 사니?

Really? How are you survivng?

=Wow, how are you managing that?



서른 다섯 넘으니 몸이 예전 같지가 않아.

Things don't feel the same now that I'm over thirty-five.

=I feel different now that I'm over thirty-five.

이제 슬슬 건강에 신경 쓸 나이지. 항상 청준인 줄 아냐.

You're at the age now where you have start taking care of yourself.

You're not young forever.

=You need to start taking better care of yourself at your age.

You're not as young as you used to be.



술자리가 잦은 연말연시에는 각별히 건강 관리에 유의해야 해.

Due to all the extra drinking during the holiday season, 

you should take care of yourself.

=You need to take care of yourself with the year winding down(마무리하다,접는다, 정리한다),

since there's usually a lot more drinking going on.

숙취 해소 음료가 도움될까 해서 열심히 마시고 있어.

I drink a lot of anti-hangover beverages, hoping that they will work.

=I'm drinking a lot of these beverages that prevent hangovers.



건강식품도 과다 복용하면 좋지 않아.

Even food supplements are bad if you overeat them.

=Even food supplements are bad for you in excess.

뭐든 1일 권장량을 지키는 게 최고지.

Whatever you eat, you need to stick to the daily recommended amount.

=It's important to observe the recommended daily amount.



건강을 위해서, 앞으로는 아침형 인간으로 살아 보려구.

For the sake of my health, I've decided to become a morning person.

=I'm going to try waking up early in the morning for my health.

에이, 다른 사람이면 몰라도 넌 힘들 거 같은데.

Give me a break. You're the last guy to become a morning person.

=Is that so? If it was any other person I'd believe them, but it's going to be so hard for you.


#병원과 건강에 대해 이렇게도 말했다

1. 침을 맞아야지 그럼

I hear acupunture can help a lot with that.

You should try acupuncture to help with that.

Then you should go see an acupunturist.

2. 아직 젊더라도 정기검진은 꾸준히 받는게 좋아.

사람 일은 아무도 모르는 거니까.

Even though you're still relatively young, you should get checked out. Better safe than sorry.

Even though you're still young, you should get regular check-ups. No one really know, right?

3. 건강은 잃고 나서야 그 소중함을 깨닫는 법이라구.

We realize how important health is only after we lose it.

We only realize how important our health is when we're sick.

4. 병은 초기에 치료해야 하는 법이야

Diseases should be cured in their early stage.

Early treatment of any disease is the key to being cured.

5. 건강 과민증이 될 필요는 없어,.

You don't have to become a health freak. (*neat freak, control freak)

You don't need to to obsessed about you health.

6. 원무과에서 입원 수속을 밟고 4인실에 입원했어.

I checked in at the admissions office and was admitted to the hospital into a four person room.

After getting admitted by the hospital, I was placed in a room that I shared with three other people.

7. 수술 후에 회복 중이셔.

My mom is recuperating from her surgery.

My mom is recovering from her surgery.