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[sep 23, 2020] 영어공부


고령화, 저출산, 흙수저/금수저, 교육


Getting married and starting a family are too much of a financial burden, 

so many young people choose to live alone.

These changes will ease the debt burden for many families.


Coupled with an aging workforce, I'm afraid our society is headed toward many troubles.

노동인구의 고령화와 맞물려서 우리 사회가 다양한 문제에 봉착하고 있는 건 아닌가 걱정돼.

Lack of educated workforce is one of the issues for the country's industrialization. 

교육받은 인력이 부족한 것이 산업화를 추진하는데 어려움으로 작용하고 있다.


The demographics of Korean society are changing rapidly and many people now prefer living alone. 

*인구 구성 *demo-대중,군중 -democracy / demonstration

The company is trying to attract the 20-to-49 demographic with its new products. 

*연령층, 그룹 


An analogy by spoon type is currently popular in Korea. Which category do you think you fall into?

*comparison 비교, 비유 / analogy 비유 이렇게 많이 쓰임

경제적 지위를 수저 색깔에 비유하는 게 유행이던데 (수저론)

The chess analogy[어낼러지] is effective when we talk about politics. *~론


A lot of young people believe that a happy life can only come from a wealthy upbringing.

*성장환경,배경 / bring up 키우다 

He emphasized his middle-class upbringing during the election campaign. 


When companies recruit college graduates, they should place less emphasis on fancy qualification. 

*specification 사물,상품의 구체적인 명세를 말할 때 (사람의 자격을 말할 때는 x) *화려한 스펙
We are looking for college graduates with qualifications in science. *자격, 배경


Why is there such a strong craze over private education in Korea?

This supehero movie craze is likely to last for years. *열기, 신드롬

*영어 단어 Syndrome은  질환, 중립적- 어떤 현상을 뜻함. 사람들이 뭘 좋아해서 열광하는 경우에는 이 단어 안씀.


In Korea, education used to be a ladder that helped students climb

their way up to higher social positions or higher income levels.

He worked his way up the corporate ladder. 

기업에서 열심히 일해서 승진했다. 


Aren't you concerned that those schools only for the privileged will limit our social mobility?

*upward mobility를 말하는 것/ 계층 이동

The goal was to increase social mobility and close the income gap. 


Koreans believe the college you attend make or break your future.

Even the director didn't have the power to make or break the project. 

*이사 *성패를 좌우하다 


With so much competition to enter the best schools, having a head start can be an advantage.

좋은 학교에 들어가려는 경쟁이 치열해서 앞서 나가면 유리하기 때문이죠.

*get/have/give a head start

I send my kid to English kindergarten to give hims a head start. *선행학습


With so many "tiger moms" here, they really have no choice. 

교육열이 지나친 어머니들이 너무 많으니 어쩔 수 없지. 

It is thought to have been coined in 2011 book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (mom).



'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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