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[sep 2, 2020] 생리에 대한 영어표현

월경 menstruation 

생리 period [피]


1. 나 생리 중이야. 나 생리해. 나 생리 기간이야.

I'm on my period. 

I have my period.


2. 나 오늘 생리 시작했어.

I just had/got my period tody.

I have my period today.

I started my period today.


3. 나 생리를 안했어.

I missded my period.


4. 나 생리가 좀 늦어,

I'm late on my period.

My period is late.


5. 생리 안한지 5일 됐어.

My period is 5 days late.


6. 나 생리 거의 끝나가.

My period is almost over.

My period is almost done.

I'm almost at the end of my period.


그날 that time of the month (줄임말 t.o.m)

7. 나 그날이야.

It's that time of the month! (for me)


8. 나 또 그날이야.

It's that time of the month again


9. 나 생리해.

TOM is here.

TOM came today.


생리통 period crmps / menstrual cramps

보통 cramps라고만 말해도 생리통인줄 다 안다.

10. 나 생리통 있어.

I have cramps.


11. 나 생리통 너무 심해.

My cramps are bad. 

I have really bad cramps.


생리대  menstrual pad / sanitary pad

보통은 그냥 pad라고 함.

12. 너 생리대 있어?

Do you have some extra pads?

I didn't bring my pads.


탬폰 tampon

You got some tampons? 너 탬폰 있어?

Do you have tampons I can use? 너 탬폰 좀 줄 수 있어?