[sep 15, 2020] 영어공부 #3
#Vested interest
Vested interest : 기득권
interest : 이익, 이해관계
invest와 같은 어원. vest : 옷, 옷을 입히다
투자라는 것이 내가 기존에 갖고 있던 돈에 새로운 옷을 입혀서 넣는 것이므로 -
Oil companies have vested interests in fossil fuels, so they don't want electric cars.
정유회사들이 화석연료에 기득권 지니고 있기 때문에 전기차를 원치않는다.
Vested interest : 권리(중립)
As a parent, I have a vested interest in making this school a great place for my kids.
Vested interest : 기득권층
Many vested interests are benefiting from the crisis.
기득권층, 기득권 세력
Do you think the country is governed by an elite class? 형용사
They all turned out to be the relatives and friends of business and social elites. 명사
New York shouldn't be a city for the one percent.
The Upper class didn't want the change.
Golf is not only for the rich and privileged classes anymore.
The event turned into a protest against the establishment. 질서를 수립하다
수립된 질서 속에서 혜택을 보는 사람들.
그 행사는 기득권층에 저항하는 시위로 변질이 되었다.
The political establishment won't like the policy.
정계의 기득권층은 그 정책을 좋아하지 않을 것이다.
The medical service should be for all, not just for the rich and powerful.
the + 형용사 = ~한 사람들
#여성 김대리의 영어일기
We hava a fighter in our office. Everyone who joins the company has problems
with this person. Is it like a rite of passage or something? *통과의례
He is also known to talk about others behind their backs.
*badmouth / gossip about somebody
I didn't know that at first and told him something in confidence,
but soon it was general knowledge. *지식, 상식 - 소문이 퍼지다
On top of that, I don't understand why he has so many emotional ups and downs.
*감정기복 / 계속 오르락 내리락 하니까 s / emotional roller coaster
He makes me wonder why he's in such a state of mind.
But people say he becomes a nicer person once you get close to him,
so I guess there must be a way to get along well with him. *~와 어울리다
Relationship in the office should be different than developing friendship.
Co-workers grow closer by being considerate to each other at work, and I shouldn't
try to choose who's better for me. *점차적으로 ~이 되다 *배려하다
Isn't he childish in that sense?
I'll just look for a way to get to know other people better and get along
well without having any problems. *알아가고 있다
*We're getting to know each other.